Monthly Archives: March 2012

Meditation: The Natural Pain Reliever

Rather than popping pills to kill the pain of your aching back or for the headache from too much rushing around, we can tap into a natural pain reliever. Meditating can reduce pain by 40%. If you’re glazing over, thinking “I don’t do that stuff”, it can be as simple a starting with 5 minutes a day and focusing on your breath. I’m allergic to ALL pain meds, so every time one of my joints dislocates (almost daily), meditation IS my medication. Robert Cargill, PhD, a neurobiology professor at Wake Forest School of Medicine did a study showing that meditation decreases pain better than morphine. If you have never tried meditation, are you a little curious now, knowing it can relieve your pain? If you do meditate, have you experienced this?

GMO No or Yes?

Genetically modified organisms are plants, animals and other microorganisms that have been genetically altered to give them “special” features. 30 countries in the European Union have either banned or severely restricted GMO crops. The FDA says there is no “material” difference. I buy organic and there is a Non-GMO shopping guide. What are your thoughts? Does it concern you or do you agree with the FDA?

Cook in Big Batches

Taking the time to cook a meal from scratch can seem unreasonable with our crazy, hectic lifestyles, but the end result is so delicious and satisfying. I mostly cook in double or triple batches so I can freeze portions for those crazy nights when there is no time to cook a meal. Tonight we are making homemade turkey chili with lots of beans and veggies and it’s super spicy hot. We will eat it for dinner tonight, lunch tomorrow and freeze leftovers for dinner another time. What great dish do you cook up in big batches and freeze for later?

Whole Grains or Gluten-Free

Whole grains have gotten some negative press and there has been a big push towards gluten-free. While I agree that those who suffer from celiac disease should definitely stay away from gluten, whole grains provide excellent vitamins and minerals and are slowly digested. Give me a couple of slices of Ezekiel’s sprouted grain bread with a bowl of homemade minestrone soup and I’m a happy woman. What do you think about whole grains? Do you stay away from them?

Relax with Yoga

Some people begin yoga for the health benefits and some for the calming, relaxing effect. I find yoga to be almost like a meditative practice. I gain strength, flexibility and relaxation. It can be intimidating to those who have never tried it… looking at photos of people twisted like pretzels, especially for men. It’s more important to honor your body and only do what is comfortable for you. If you’re not ready to start a class, try a video in the comfort of your home. Yoga for Stress Relief & Flexibility by Ashley Turner gives clear instruction and her voice is so calming. Have you tried yoga and did it relax you?

Doorway Memory Loss

How many times have you walked into a room and when you got there, you couldn’t remember why? That has happened to me so many times that I was beginning to think that I was losing my memory! Good news for anyone else who has experienced these episodes. Gabriel Radvansky, PhD of Notre Dame published a study in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. Professor Radvansky states that exiting or entering through a doorway serves as an “event boundary” in our mind which separates episodes of activity and files them away. I apparently have a darn good file system. Have you experienced this and what did you think it was from?

Stress by Any Other Name

What do you really mean when you say you are stressed? Stress is this generic term that we have designated to a constellation of feelings that are not pleasant. It is easily understood by everyone and I am guilty of using it generically too. To solve the problem effectively, start by naming the feeling… anxious, angry, rushed, restless, worried, tense. The more clearly you can describe the feeling and situation, the better you can determine the cause and deal with it. Is it a relationship, financial or organizational issue? Or is it something else?

Family and Friends

We have all heard the saying that no man is an island and those who surround themselves with friends and family enjoy both physical and emotional benefits. People who are socially engaged are happier, live longer and have better brain health. Having the love and support of family or close friends builds trust, encouragement, caring, empathy and a sense of comfort. When I am grieving, my honey gently holds me; when I need someone to listen to my chatter, my daughter is always there. Who is your anchor?

Fullness or Satiety

Do you think fullness and satiety are the same? The physical weight of food in our stomach, that is about the size of our clenched fist, is fullness. But… the emotional experience is satiety that equals satisfaction. That is why we are not satisfied with lettuce, even if we eat a very large bowl. It is also the reason we occasionally have difficulty “satisfying” our hunger, going from fridge to cabinet to freezer back to fridge. We are attempting to fill an emotional hunger. Some foods fill and satisfy us (and they can be nutritious too. Do you have any foods like that? Here’s a photo of mine…

Happy People Turn Off TV

I read a statistic a while back that very happy people watch 30% less TV than unhappy people. Happier people are more socially engaged, read more often and spend less time glued to the television set. What fun things do you have planned for this weekend?

Awake in the Middle of the Night

If you awaken in the middle of the night and have difficulty returning to sleep, instead of worrying about how tired you’ll feel in the morning, try this more effective technique. Make relaxation your only goal, not sleep. Total relaxation can rejuvenate your body and calm your mind. Use visualization, progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing or meditation or a combination of all. You will feel so much more rested than lying there stressing about how little sleep you are getting. What has worked for you?

Diets Don’t Work

Open up any magazine, especially the ones targeting women, and you will find the perfect diet. Even physicians have bought into the concept of eating “special” food to lose weight. Anyone who is overweight, eats more than they’d like, craves sugar or other foods will never be successful long-term from dieting. That’s why we still have so many overweight people. There is NO magic pill. I lived it, learned it and now teach it. I’d love to hear what you think…

Grateful for Work

We spend many of our waking hours at work. When you got up this morning and hopped into the shower, were you full of anticipation for what the day might bring? Or were you dreading the possibilities? Even if you have the nastiest boss, what perk does your job give you? I am grateful to see the progress each week that my clients are making. Name one thing you can be grateful for today ___________.

Trigger Foods

Do you know why you eat half a package of cookies or almost the whole bag of chips? Because it makes you feel better… temporarily. Eating in response to an emotion such as anxiety or loneliness causes habits to be linked to those emotions. If you want to find out what your trigger is, write out a food journal, keeping track of the emotion immediately preceding the habit. Homemade oatmeal raisin cookies are my habit food when I’m anxious. What’s your habit food?

Body Scan Meditation

If you think meditation is only sitting with a quiet mind, try this technique. Sit comfortably or lie down and breathe slowly and deeply for a couple of minutes. Start to scan your body, focusing your attention on each body part from the top of your head all the way day to your toes. Notice any sensations in each body part, whether it’s discomfort, tight muscles, warmth or relaxation. When you find an area of discomfort or tension, imagine breathing warm or relaxation into that area. What area might be tense or uncomfortable in your body scan__________?

Sleep Well Tonight

We all awaken several times during the night, but some of us aren’t even aware because we drift right back to sleep. But there are some who have difficulty getting back to sleep. Turn the clock away from your bed so you are not tempted to keep checking the time. Not only does this induce more anxiety about not being able to sleep, but it sends a signal to your brain to wake up. Better yet, keep it covered all the time to eliminate the glow of light that has been shown to alter the cycles of some light sleepers. What is your night-time sleep secret for better sleep?