Tag Archives: journaling

Random Acts of Kindness

This week is Random Acts of Kindness Week. Take a few minutes to write a note of appreciation to someone who has done kind things for you… your spouse, child, sibling, parent or friend. It may just make their day. List all the special things about that person that mean so much to you. Transform someone’s day from okay to A-Okay!! Who will you choose?

Stop Worrying

Round and round your head they go… thoughts and worries just keep swirling, preventing you from focusing on anything. When you are having one of those days when no solution makes a clear entrance into your scattered mind… STOP. The uncomfortable feeling from the anxiety over what to do next can be short-circuited if you sit down and write out your thoughts/worries on paper: pros and cons, research needed yet, resources on hand, etc. The process of writing out your thoughts helps to clarify and organize the jumble in your head. How do you manage those days?

Mood Elevator

Your mood depends on your thoughts, so if you tend to focus on the negative, you will have a tougher time being upbeat and in an ideal mood. To help shift that thinking pattern, start writing down 3 things each night that went well for you during the day. They do not have to be monumental things, but something as simple as finding the perfect gift for Uncle Bob for Christmas or getting the kids to daycare and to work on time. If you have children, start the tradition of asking them to share 3 things that went well for them that day. Focus on the positive things in your life… the change is miraculous!

Gratitude and Happiness

To increase your happiness, hand write a letter of gratitude to someone. According to a study conducted by Steve Toepfer, associate professor at Kent State University, as long as you write about something that is important to you and it’s not a brief little thank you note, the results are significant improvement in happiness and life satisfaction. Email and texting do not have the same effect because the process of writing allows time to reflect. Is there someone that you’d like to send a letter to?

A Less Stressful To-Do List

Since research shows that multitasking is not only inefficient, but stressful, how do we accomplish all the tasks on our to-do list without being overwhelmed? Break down your list by prioritizing each item. Use either A, B and C’s or 1, 2 and 3’s. A’s or 1’s are top priority and get done first. You will get better at deciding what is the top priority as this becomes a daily practice and you may notice those C’s or 3’s are not be so important after all. How do you prioritize your day?

Changing Your Bad Eating Habits

Identifying your challenge areas in eating will benefit you in changing those habits. Do you stuff yourself at meals? Do you eat quickly at your desk? Do you dine out often, choosing high-fat, high-calorie meals? Do you snack frequently, even though you’re not really hungry? You may fit into one or more of these areas. Keep track by writing down what you eat, who you are with and what you were feeling at the time… for just 3 days. What will you find?

Journal Away Stress

The benefits of journaling for stress management have been researched and well-documented. When you’ve had a rough day filled with external stressors enough to send you running to the fridge for solace or deep under the covers for sleep, grab your journal and a pen instead. Or you may prefer your computer. Write about your thoughts and feelings, no censoring. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling or neatness; this is just for you. Remember to add things that you are grateful for too! If you are worried about someone reading your private thoughts, buy a journal with a lock or password protect your computer entries. It may only be one sentence…5 minutes, but such relief.