Tag Archives: emotions

Moving My Blog!!

I want to thank you all for reading and following my blog. I have moved my blog to worpress.org. The new url is http://www.inspiredhealthcoaching.com/2012/

Please join me there!!

Stress by Any Other Name

What do you really mean when you say you are stressed? Stress is this generic term that we have designated to a constellation of feelings that are not pleasant. It is easily understood by everyone and I am guilty of using it generically too. To solve the problem effectively, start by naming the feeling… anxious, angry, rushed, restless, worried, tense. The more clearly you can describe the feeling and situation, the better you can determine the cause and deal with it. Is it a relationship, financial or organizational issue? Or is it something else?

Turn Your Mood Around

If you are feeling overwhelmed at work (and we all have those days), you can make a few choices: you can moan and groan to your colleague, send a complaining text to your spouse or you can turn your mood around.
On your next break, listen to some upbeat music; at lunch, take a brisk walk outside, even if it’s cold; do some stretches and breathe; play a game on your phone (but keep track of your time) or call a friend to meet you after work for fun time to recharge. What works for you?

Loneliness Cure

When you’re feeling lonely and disconnected, a heating pad or warm bath just might be the cure. Research results from John A. Bargh and Idit Shalev of Yale University indicate that the early childhood experiences of physically being held close and psychological warmth of love, trust and support contribute to the tight connection to physical warmth. So turn on the warm shower and hop in. Have you used warming techniques to feel better?

Kissing or a Snack

If you are attempting to replace that evening snack with another “feel good” distraction, try kissing. Whenever we change a behavior that is done mostly out of habit or triggered by emotion, the best way to stop is to replace it with another healthier option. Eating provides a temporary good feeling but adds unnecessary calories. Kissing causes the release of oxytocin and endorphins. Smooch with your honey or child sound better than chips?

Random Acts of Kindness

This week is Random Acts of Kindness Week. Take a few minutes to write a note of appreciation to someone who has done kind things for you… your spouse, child, sibling, parent or friend. It may just make their day. List all the special things about that person that mean so much to you. Transform someone’s day from okay to A-Okay!! Who will you choose?

Comfort Food Substitution

If you are a comfort food overeater, reaching for food when upset, anxious, worried or sad, what do you do instead of eating when you have those uncomfortable feelings? This is the #1 reason so many people continue to depend on food to feel good. First of all, it does make you feel better… temporarily. But then you may feel guilt, shame or frustration. The answer lies in finding a healthy way to manage the oncoming feeling without food. What can you do in place of eating… that you would also enjoy.

Slow Does Win… In Health

Although it may sound counterproductive, slowing down will actually help you to accomplish more. We seem to go-go-go from morning till night and still not complete everything we’d like and living at that frenetic pace eventually takes a toll on your health. Instead, try a deceleration in important areas first, like eating, cleaning, spending time with family or any others that you typically rush through quickly. You’ll feel calmer, in control and more productive. Where can you SLOW down?

Capturing Your Best Ideas

Have you ever noticed that your best ideas pop into your head when you’re not in a position to write them down? You may be in the shower, taking the dog for a walk or lying in a backyard hammock. Stress blocks the creative flow but being relaxed without the demands and distractions opens up the connection. I like to be prepared for the moments of clarity with a small notebook and pen and keep them everywhere. What do you use to capture your best ideas in quiet, relaxed moments?

Confident Posture = the Right Decision

Mom was right… good posture is important. But mom probably didn’t know all of the benefits. A study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, evaluated the role of slouching (doubtful posture) vs. sitting up straight (confident posture) and determined that sitting upright gave participants more confidence in decisions and direction of thoughts. So when you have important decisions to make or want to feel more self-assured, check your posture. Is your spine straight, feet on the floor, chest out, shoulders back?

Is FLAB Sabotaging Your Eating?

Don’t let FLAB sabotage your efforts to eat healthy foods and listen to your true physical hunger. Before you eat, ask yourself if you are Frustrated, Lonely, Anxious or Bored? Eating in response to an emotion will not satisfy your “hunger” and relieves the unpleasant emotion only temporarily. After, you may feel frustrated for consuming extra, unnecessary calories and the cycle begins. If you answered Yes to the question, what could you do instead of eating?

Experience Serenity and Peace

Rather than always searching for happiness “out there”, experiencing inner serenity and peace often leads to the happy feeling people are searching for. Doing what you love and knowing that your biggest WHY is being fulfilled will give you serenity and peace. No amount of chaos, angry people or financial uncertainty will shake that amazing feeling. Even if you are not working in a field that is your life purpose (yet), what can you do right now to connect with your special abilities?

Where Do You Feel Tension?

What if you could catch your tension just as it begins and stop it before it’s had a chance to take hold of your body and mind? Begin the process by starting to notice where in your body you often feel tension or stress. Does your belly bother you? or maybe your neck and shoulder muscles tighten and eventually start to ache? or perhaps the dreaded headache? We all carry stress in a particular part of our body and once we become aware of the area, the moment we feel it, we can use a calming technique like deep abdominal breathing or listening to relaxing music to break the cycle. Where do you feel tension?

Slow Down Your Mornings

If you start your morning rushing and frazzled, it can set the mood for the day. Awaken to an alarm that simulates the sunrise or sounds of nature. Sit on the edge of the bed and express gratitude for at least one thing. Stand up and do a gentle, slow stretch while taking a nice deep breath. The night before you set out everything you needed to get out the door smoothly… outfit, breakfast makings, work bag, lunch, keys… Life is choices. What can you choose to do differently in the morning?

Mood Elevator

Your mood depends on your thoughts, so if you tend to focus on the negative, you will have a tougher time being upbeat and in an ideal mood. To help shift that thinking pattern, start writing down 3 things each night that went well for you during the day. They do not have to be monumental things, but something as simple as finding the perfect gift for Uncle Bob for Christmas or getting the kids to daycare and to work on time. If you have children, start the tradition of asking them to share 3 things that went well for them that day. Focus on the positive things in your life… the change is miraculous!

Energy and Mood Boosting Fruit

To get a quick mood boost, try a sniff of any citrus fruit, citrus-scented perfume or oil. Oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines and grapefruits give off the pleasant and distinctive scent that research shows can improve mood and enhance energy levels. My favorite all-natural cleaner is orange-scented from orange oil. Do you have any favorite perfumes or body lotions that are citrus-scented?

Holiday Traditions

The malls are packed, the highways are busy and people are getting cranky from tension to get all the holiday “to-do’s” accomplished. To get back to the simpler, less stressful holiday times, rekindle some of your family’s traditions as a focus, rather than the hustle and bustle of “spend all you can”, hit every party and have the most up-to-date decorations. We hang a very special ornament on our tree every year that belonged to my husband when he was a little boy. He would lay under the tree and blow under the bottom of the ornament and watch with delight as it spun around inside. What tradition do you follow?

Orange Energizer

If all the holiday shopping, card writing (does anyone still do that?), meal planning and family visit coordination has you exhausted, boost your energy with the color orange. If you just don’t like the way you look in the color, wear it as an accent. If wearing it is not happening for you, use an orange-colored pen, place an orange on your desk, use an orange mug for your tea or coffee… you get the idea. Since we know colors can affect mood, take advantage of orange’s energizing ability and become invigorated.

Happiness in the Present

If you are waiting for happiness to come your way, take a tip from those who intuitively know that it’s your thoughts and your behavior that determine whether you share that blissful feeling. Live for the present moment, taking time to notice all the positive things, people and events that cross your path and don’t waste precious time worrying about the future or reliving past hurts. You may miss out on the beauty, joy or love right before your eyes.

Sugar Cravings

Sugar cravings can make even the strongest person appear to have no control. When you understand what causes this intense desire, you can more effectively take charge. For those that crave the sweet stuff, triggers from previous experiences release dopamine, the “feel good” neurotransmitter, causing this longing that it very difficult to overcome with sheer willpower. Triggers can be places, emotions, people, bodily sensations such as pain, just to name a few. What do you think is the first step in handling a trigger?