Monthly Archives: January 2012

Sleep-inducing Ear Rubbing

If you’re lying in bed attempting to drift off to dream land after a very hectic, harried day, you may want to try this technique. The ears have reflexology points, like feet that correspond to body parts. Rubbing your ears can be very calming, relaxing and help you to sleep. Using your thumb and index fingers, gently rub your ears for 1-2 minutes from top to bottom. Bonus: add some deep belly breathing. See you in the morning…

Pantry Purge Your Way Healthy Eating

While you’re running errands and doing chores this weekend, add a pantry purge to your list. Get rid of all the junk food that triggers your overeating. Replace the foods with healthy choices that are either not processed or minimally processed, such as whole grain crackers, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, beans, salsa and popcorn kernels for air popping. Do the same for your fridge and freezer. Your physical environment is key to your success in eating healthier. What satisfying, good-tasting snacks could you add to your fridge/freezer?

Lose Weight the French Way

The French eat rich foods and drink lots of wine, yet don’t gain weight. Do you want to know their secrets? They focus on quality not quantity. Their portions are smaller, their food is fresh from local markets and they sit down to each meal to actually focus on the food and take their time. No rushing for them. Americans typically eat huge portions of processed food while watching TV, using the computer or cell phone and so quickly they hardly remember what they ate. Which one sounds most appealing to you?

Slow Does Win… In Health

Although it may sound counterproductive, slowing down will actually help you to accomplish more. We seem to go-go-go from morning till night and still not complete everything we’d like and living at that frenetic pace eventually takes a toll on your health. Instead, try a deceleration in important areas first, like eating, cleaning, spending time with family or any others that you typically rush through quickly. You’ll feel calmer, in control and more productive. Where can you SLOW down?

Capturing Your Best Ideas

Have you ever noticed that your best ideas pop into your head when you’re not in a position to write them down? You may be in the shower, taking the dog for a walk or lying in a backyard hammock. Stress blocks the creative flow but being relaxed without the demands and distractions opens up the connection. I like to be prepared for the moments of clarity with a small notebook and pen and keep them everywhere. What do you use to capture your best ideas in quiet, relaxed moments?

Confident Posture = the Right Decision

Mom was right… good posture is important. But mom probably didn’t know all of the benefits. A study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, evaluated the role of slouching (doubtful posture) vs. sitting up straight (confident posture) and determined that sitting upright gave participants more confidence in decisions and direction of thoughts. So when you have important decisions to make or want to feel more self-assured, check your posture. Is your spine straight, feet on the floor, chest out, shoulders back?

Is FLAB Sabotaging Your Eating?

Don’t let FLAB sabotage your efforts to eat healthy foods and listen to your true physical hunger. Before you eat, ask yourself if you are Frustrated, Lonely, Anxious or Bored? Eating in response to an emotion will not satisfy your “hunger” and relieves the unpleasant emotion only temporarily. After, you may feel frustrated for consuming extra, unnecessary calories and the cycle begins. If you answered Yes to the question, what could you do instead of eating?

Cutting Sweets in Half… Mindfully Eating Snacks

Mindless eating of snacks and sweets can lead to not only an excess of calories but unwanted pounds. A study published in The Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that cutting candy in half reduced the caloric intake of the participants. Eating smaller pieces slows down the eating process when eating mindfully, so whether it’s candy or your meal, cut it up and take your time. If you’re used to eating handfuls of snacks, eat one piece at a time. This new process will seem foreign at first but will allow you to totally focus on the pleasure of the food. What food do you love to slowly savor?

Experience Serenity and Peace

Rather than always searching for happiness “out there”, experiencing inner serenity and peace often leads to the happy feeling people are searching for. Doing what you love and knowing that your biggest WHY is being fulfilled will give you serenity and peace. No amount of chaos, angry people or financial uncertainty will shake that amazing feeling. Even if you are not working in a field that is your life purpose (yet), what can you do right now to connect with your special abilities?

Where Do You Feel Tension?

What if you could catch your tension just as it begins and stop it before it’s had a chance to take hold of your body and mind? Begin the process by starting to notice where in your body you often feel tension or stress. Does your belly bother you? or maybe your neck and shoulder muscles tighten and eventually start to ache? or perhaps the dreaded headache? We all carry stress in a particular part of our body and once we become aware of the area, the moment we feel it, we can use a calming technique like deep abdominal breathing or listening to relaxing music to break the cycle. Where do you feel tension?

Are You Enjoying Right Now?

Much of our tension and worry is based on our future-focused thoughts. What if this happens? I can’t stop thinking about ___. Worries about finances, our children, job security and a myriad of other anxiety-producing issues are all because we focus on the “what-ifs” and imagine the worst possible scenarios. What if… instead of doing that, you focus all of your energy and attention on what is happening right NOW. Otherwise, you may miss out on some amazing moments. Expend your energy here, right now and worry about what ifs, IF they ever happen. Are you present-time focused?

What Did You Have For Lunch Today?

What did you have for breakfast today? How about lunch? Did you enjoy those meals and did they leave you feeling totally satisfied and full? If you ate mindfully, noticing the aroma, taste, texture and color of each food, you not only enjoyed your meal but you were totally satisfied and can remember each thing you ate. When we are distracted by a computer, TV, reading, cell phone or any activity that removes our attention from the process of eating, we don’t listen to our bodies hunger and fullness cues, making us at risk for overeating. The taste/enjoyment level is diminished unless you focus on the food and savor each bite. Did you focus on your lunch today?

Slow Down Your Mornings

If you start your morning rushing and frazzled, it can set the mood for the day. Awaken to an alarm that simulates the sunrise or sounds of nature. Sit on the edge of the bed and express gratitude for at least one thing. Stand up and do a gentle, slow stretch while taking a nice deep breath. The night before you set out everything you needed to get out the door smoothly… outfit, breakfast makings, work bag, lunch, keys… Life is choices. What can you choose to do differently in the morning?

The 2012 Health Shift

What is one change you can make in 2012 that will move you towards a healthier lifestyle? What one thing can you do that will make you feel better? Remember to make it something you can incorporate into your life as a daily practice, not for 2 weeks. Start simple, such as a nutritious breakfast everyday that you really enjoy… maybe a breakfast burrito with eggs, salsa, low-fat cheese in a whole wheat wrap. Or taking 5 minutes everyday to practice mindfulness meditation. What will be your investment in your health?